

EKU Elektronik GmbH

Am Sportplatz

56291 Leiningen

Telefon: +49 6746-80232-00

Telefax: +49 6746-80232-10

E-Mail: info[at]


Tax number: 22 654 1460 4

VAT-ID number: DE 151 113 842

Register court: Amtsgericht Koblenz

Commercial register: HRB-NR 4597

Managing Director: Matthias Thiele
WEEE-Reg.-No.: DE 65791283

Legal notice:

All rights reserved. The editor regularly controls and updates the information on this website. Despite all carefulness the data might have changed in the meantime. A liability or guarantee for actuality, correctness or completeness for the provided information can therefore not be accepted.

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Furthermore the editor reserves the right to undertake changes or amendments of the provided information. 

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