
The challenge in continuous development of new electronic medical products has already been appreciated by winning various innovation awards.

October 2017

Prize winner ISB Success 2017 

In the 25th company anniversary year EKU Elektronik received the SUCCESS technology award by the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB) and the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economics for the successful development and marketing of the measuring device CALIBSO.

June 2010

Prize winner ISB Success 2010

EKU received the output oriented innovation award "Success" by the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB) GmbH for the successful development of the NO-application device NO-A.

December 2002

Innovation competition 2002

special prize for Multi-Monitor MM1 in the category "Single Candidate" for innovation competition 2002 by the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transportation, Agriculture and Viniculture of the German State Rhineland-Palatinate.

September 1998

Prize winner ISB Success 1998

EKU received the output oriented innovation award "Success" by the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB) GmbH for the successful development of the ViP Ventilatortester.